Compelling Reasons Why You Might Undergo a Dental Extraction Procedure

Compelling Reasons Why You Might Undergo a Dental Extraction Procedure

Mar 01, 2021

Overcrowded, severely infected, or decayed teeth may require an extraction procedure. Compromised teeth due to chemotherapy and impacted wisdom teeth may affect your oral health, and it’s ideal if you undergo a tooth removal procedure. Our dentist in Phoenix, AZ, may recommend you to undertake a dental extraction procedure to alleviate your pain for impacted teeth and prevent the spread of an oral infection.

Why Your Tooth May Be Extracted

Various oral issues may require you to undergo a tooth extraction procedure, and some include:

  • Growth of your wisdom teeth in a crooked manner causes pain, swelling, and discomfort. Impacted teeth may lead to further oral health complications in the future.
  • Chipped, broken, or damaged tooth beyond repair may require an extraction procedure. Traumatic injury on your mouth may lead to dislodging or knock-out of teeth, and untimely care may lead to permanent loss.
  • Your dentist may recommend tooth removal to create room for prostheses and wearing dental braces.
  • Severely decayed or infected tooth has to be pulled out to prevent the spread of decay or oral infection into your pulp cavity. The spread of oral disease may cause bone deterioration and severe oral health conditions. If root canal therapy doesn’t fix your infected tooth, tooth extraction would be ideal for you.
  • Your overcrowded teeth may be removed during orthodontic treatment to enhance proper alignment and provide you with an aesthetic smile.

Dental Extraction Categories

Dental extraction procedures are classified based on your dental state. Your endodontist will examine your dental and determine the ideal option for you, and the processes include:

A simple extraction procedure is performed on your visible affected tooth above your gum line. Local anesthesia may be used to alleviate discomfort during your tooth removal process, and your tooth is made loose using forceps to facilitate easy removal.

A surgical extraction is complicated, and it may incorporate sedation dentistry. Your specialist may use general, local, or intravenous anesthesia to alleviate pain during the procedure. A surgical incision is made on your gum tissues or your jawbone to extract the affected tooth. If you have an impacted tooth, a surgical procedure is ideally applicable to remove your tooth.

Dental Extraction Procedure

The location of your affected tooth determines the type of procedure to be performed. During your initial visit, your specialist uses digital X-rays to check your root’s angle and curvature and the severity of your affected tooth. Sedation dentistry options are selected based on your overall health. If you have underlying health conditions linked with your oral health, antibiotics may be recommended before your dental extraction.

Oral surgery can be used in the removal of your impacted wisdom tooth. After tooth removal, a gauze pad is placed on your extraction site to enhance clotting. You are likely to face oral complications, including dry sockets and persistent pain after your procedure, and it’s ideal if you visit your specialist for help.

Restorative Procedures for Your Affected Tooth

A severely infected tooth may require root canal therapy. Scaling and root planing are incorporated to remove debris, bacteria, or plaque. The pulp cavity contains blood vessels and connective tissues that are viral in tooth nourishment. If the pulp is infected, your endodontist may perform extensive dental procedures.

Dental implants in 85013 are vital in replacing your missing tooth and restoring your dental functionalities. Once your infected or severely decayed tooth is removed, the adjacent teeth may shift towards the left space, and your specialist may recommend you to have dental implants. Implants restore your natural smile and prevent further deterioration of your bone.

Aftercare Treatment

Your dentist in Phoenix, AZ, may recommend you to observe the following tips for your recovery:

  • Placement of a gauze pad after the procedure to control bleeding
  • Taking recommended pain relievers for suppressing your pain
  • Pressing your cheek with a cold pack to prevent inflammation and alleviate pain
  • Avoid smoking and drinking your beverage with a straw, which may affect your healing process.
  • Prop your head on an upright posture
  • Maintain your oral hygiene regimen by flossing and brushing but avoid the extraction site

It’s essential to visit your specialist for dental implants in 85013 after a dental extraction procedure to restore your missing tooth and prevent oral complications. Please make that appointment today if you have a painful impacted tooth or severely decayed teeth for an extraction procedure.

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