Dental Implants have become pretty popular in recent years, but most people are still not so sure about them. Today, we will try to address the most asked question about their aftercare to help you make an informed decision about the procedure.
Please keep it in mind that the whole procedure takes some time. However, the result is always something admirable, durable, and functional. You might experience some discomfort a few days after the procedure, but within a few days, you will have yourself a functional artificial tooth.
You can do a few things to ensure that your implant recovery is fast, painless, and complication-free. Please take your time and go through these suggestions. For more information, you can call our Phoenix dentist, and he will help you out.
After the procedure, you will be released to go home. But the question is, can you drive yourself home after this procedure? Well, during the procedure, some sedation is used to help reduce the pain. These sedations affect your alertness, and for this reason, it is not safe to drive yourself home.
Have your spouse or friend drive you home or call a cab. The sedation lasts in the body for about 24 hours, so you will be advised not to operate any machinery during that time. Please do as told.
Bleeding is not uncommon after surgery, and implant placement involves a surgery. From the surgery site, blood will be oozing out from time to time for the first 48 to 72 hours. Your doctor will place gauze on the site, and he will ask you to continue replacing it until you stop bleeding.
Sometimes you can try the ice-cold compress method to help reduce the bleeding or any swelling associated with the surgery. If the implant is placed on the upper jaw, try as much as possible not to blow your nose to avoid applying pressure.
If the bleeding becomes too heavy, wipe out the larger clots from your mouth. Next, use two large gauze sponges and fold them into fourths and place them on the bleeding site. Bite down on to it for at least 45 minutes. Repeat this procedure if the bleeding does not stop. In most cases, it should stop the bleeding. If it doesn’t, call your dentist and get into his office ASAP.
If you feel so hungry, you can have something to eat after an hour or two. Remove the gauze placed on the surgery site and have yourself something to eat. However, you cannot east justanything at this stage.
During the first 24-36 hours, you should avoid hard foods and only eat soft ones such as ice cream. Hard foods such as meat, candy, and some vegetables should be avoided. Also, a few hours after the surgery, you should avoid both hot drinks and foods.
Additionally, you should avoid drinking from a straw for the first one to two days. You should not smoke or chew tobacco. Follow these tips, and the recovery period will be hassle-free.
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial during your recovery period. However, you need to be very careful not to disturb the implantation site. Disturbing it means disrupting the gauze and encouraging bleeding.
For the first 24 hours, you can just rinse your mouth without having to brush your teeth. After that, you can embark on your oral cleaning routine, but be careful with the implantation site. It might also help if you gently rinse your mouth with mild salt water every day for a few days. Please avoid using hydrogen peroxide rinses or mouth wash.
Getting an implant does not mean that your association with the dentist has come to an end. Your dentist may ask to see you after 21 days to see the progress. You will also need to visit the dentist every six months, as recommended by the ADA. Regularly visiting the dentist is crucial to ensuring you lead a healthy life.
You can take a break for the first day, but 48-72 hours later, you can start performing light activities. Within a week or so, you should be handling most of your routine activities.
Do you need a dentist in Phoenix, AZ? We are here for you. We can help you with several dental problems, including missing teeth, discolored teeth, tooth cavities, and many more. We use advanced technology, and you can be sure of high-quality services. Book an appointment now.
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