How Long Do One have to Wear Invisalign, and Why Do You Need To?

How Long Do One have to Wear Invisalign, and Why Do You Need To?

Nov 20, 2022

How long does one need to wear Invisalign? Well, how long the Invisalign treatment takes will depend on various factors. Among the most influential factors is how many hours one will wear the aligners daily.

Many other dentists advise that Invisalign treatments take between 6 to 12 months or more, depending on everyone’s case. No one size of aligner fits all for determining how long the treatment will last. This is because every person has alignment problems.

As recommended by a dentist from dental offices near you, adults wear aligners for a longer time than teenagers. This is because teenagers’ teeth are easier to move and more responsive to the treatment. On the other hand, adults have more complex cases and less responsive teeth and jaws. This means that Invisalign treatment it can take a little longer.

How Long Does One have to Wear Invisalign Aligners Each Day?

If one is ready to invest their time and money in Invisalign treatment, aligning us for the recommended time of 22 hours daily is essential. One cannot brush their teeth or eat with their aligners in. This means that one cannot wear the aligners every single minute of the day.

However, our best dentist in Phoenix recommends that you limit the amount of time the Invisalign aligners are not in the mouth not more than two hours daily. This means you will have to wear your alignment as four nodes for less than 22 hours daily.

However, if you ignore this advice, it could lead to delays in the days that you finish your Invisalign treatment.

The Invisalign aligners are designed to put constant pressure on the teeth and slowly move them into place. If one keeps the aligners out for longer than they should each day, their teeth won’t move as much. This can result in wearing the Invisalign aligners for longer than an emergency dentist near you had first anticipated.

Is Invisalign Quicker than Braces

When considering how long you will have to wear Invisalign, you need to consider the difference between this treatment and traditional braces.

Metal braces and Invisalign take the same amount of time for the same orthodontic issues, although metal braces treat the case slightly faster. However, deciding between Invisalign and metal braces is often a person’s lifestyle.

The invasion might be more convenient than braces because the aligners are discrete and removable. However, one would have to give up certain foods or be self-conscious while undergoing this dental treatment.

And for visiting your other dentist during treatments, the appointment lens is about the same. Metal braces must be tightened every two to three weeks, and for investor line treatment, you’ll need to update the trace every two weeks.

Why does Invisalign Treatment Time Differ

The treatment of Invisalign differs from one person to the next. When one has severe alignment complications, it will take longer to fix. This is a list of common alignment problems that Invisalign can treat.

Having Gaps

With Invisalign, small gaps can take up to six weeks to fix. However, the gobs can often reform if one doesn’t use the right retention methods. So you should remember that you will need a retainer after your Invisalign treatment to close the gap.

Used for Crowded Teeth

It takes up to six months to sort out if you have crowded teeth. However, severe issues take longer, and sometimes your other dentist at Open Wide Dental will suggest you use headgear or remove some teeth.

Invisalign Help to Straighten Adult Teeth

Invisalign treatments help straighten adult teeth and teenagers’ teeth as well. The time one will need to wear Invisalign to straighten their teeth will depend on the complexity of their orthodontic issues.

Even if it only needs minor corrections, the treatment time might take longer if one fails to wear the Invisalign aligner trays for the recommended time daily.

Benefits of Invisalign

When one wears Invisalign aligners, they are supposed to achieve a smile makeover. However, your aligners will only benefit you if they are in your mouth. The teeth need to be trained in a certain way. When one doesn’t keep up good Invisalign habits, there’s a chance that it will take longer to achieve the desired results.

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