When Should You Have a Dental Crown Replaced?

When Should You Have a Dental Crown Replaced?

Jun 09, 2023

Dental crowns are strong and durable but do not last for life. Most dental crowns have a lifespan of five to 15 years before needing replacements or repairs. Occasionally it becomes apparent that you need to replace your dental restoration because it has fallen out or sustained extensive damage. Sometimes it is less evident that a problem exists with the Crown. Ignoring the signs of needing a replacement of the Crown can result in pain and discomfort.

This article will discuss different scenarios indicating your dental Crown needs replacement. If you have a dental crown on your teeth, kindly read to realize when the restoration may require replacement or repair.

Signs That a Dental Crown Needs to Be Replaced

  • Your Bite Feels Out Of Place: your bite should feel entirely normal when your crown is placed on the tooth. However, if your bite starts feeling uneven over time, something may have happened to your crown that may need adjustment or replacement.
  • Receding Gums around Your Crowned Tooth: If you observe gum recession around the crowned tooth, it indicates the Crown is not correctly placed. It also suggests you have gum disease and must seek periodontal treatment from your dentist.
  • Your Crown Is Old: If you have a dental crown older than five years, problems are likely to develop because of natural wear and tear. Therefore, you must get your crowns checked every six months to allow your dentist an opportunity to inspect the restoration to ensure everything is healthy and functional.
  • Pain around or in the Crowned Tooth: Metal crowns are durable and not likely to chip or break. However, porcelain crowns or the porcelain element in porcelain fused to metal crowns can sustain surface damage occasionally due to wear and tear from daily use like eating or excessive forces caused by teeth grinding and jaw clenching. In addition, broken or cracked crowns expose the underlying tooth to cause pain, swelling, or tenderness.

Fractured or damaged crowns make it essential to restore their integrity to enable them to protect the underlying tooth. Depending on the extent of the damage, the dentist in Phoenix, AZ, can quickly repair it with buffing.

However, if the Crown has sustained extensive damage, you will need a new dental crown in Phoenix, AZ, to inhibit the problems you confront. In such cases, a replacement from the dental office can help protect your tooth and alleviate the pain and swelling you experience.

How to Maintain a Crown on Your Teeth

Maintaining dental crowns on your teeth is easy as long as you follow your dentist’s instructions and give the restoration the care it deserves.

Before getting a permanent crown over your damaged or decayed tooth, the dentist places a temporary crown over the prepared tooth made from acrylic, advising you on caring for it appropriately to ensure you don’t damage it before the dental lab returns your permanent restoration. In addition, the dentist recommends not being harsh with the temporary placement, suggesting that you remain cautious when biting complex foods or using your teeth to open packages.

When you receive your permanent restoration over the damaged tooth, continue exercising caution and refrain from using your teeth for purposes other than chewing. Besides the above, you must ensure you brush and floss your teeth daily as recommended by your dentist and receive six monthly checkups and cleanings to ensure you don’t allow dental plaque to build around the crowned tooth to become a victim of tooth decay and gum disease. Following your dentist’s instructions will help maintain the dental crown for its lifespan and beyond, helping you keep the restoration on your teeth for many years.

If, after restoring your tooth with a dental crown, you intend to receive treatment to straighten teeth from the orthodontist near me, it helps if you discuss the dental restoration in your mouth during your initial consultation to ensure the orthodontist plans your treatment accordingly and does not apply excessive forces on the Crown to damage it.

Dental crowns are excellent restorations to protect against excessive damage to a tooth from decay or injuries. Durable materials like metals, porcelain, ceramic, and porcelain fused to metal help make dental crowns remain on your teeth for an extended period of five to 15 years. However, they need replacements eventually because of the reasons described earlier. Therefore if you experience the symptoms mentioned in this article, do not waste time but seek an appointment with Open Wide Dental to fix the crown or replace it if required to continue protecting your tooth.

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